Details from scetching for wall painting
Painting gallery walls
This and the incoming week is painting weeks. We are going to paint walls in a gallery in Kokkola, Galleri Visu.
So far have we been there and inspecting the space and place, made some measurements, choosed which wall we want and so on.. and after that we made a model of the room in our choise. We did ours in 1/5 size (or was it.. I think it was at least). Today was offered for scetching and planning what we want to paint and we will present 3 different idéas tomorrow and also choose which idea that feels like the best one.
I think I will do something colorful and pattern-ish. But let's see..
and the opening will be next thursday 6 o'clock!
Thursday, april 7th
Galleri Visu
Borgmästaregatan, Kokkola
So far have we been there and inspecting the space and place, made some measurements, choosed which wall we want and so on.. and after that we made a model of the room in our choise. We did ours in 1/5 size (or was it.. I think it was at least). Today was offered for scetching and planning what we want to paint and we will present 3 different idéas tomorrow and also choose which idea that feels like the best one.
I think I will do something colorful and pattern-ish. But let's see..
and the opening will be next thursday 6 o'clock!
Thursday, april 7th
Galleri Visu
Borgmästaregatan, Kokkola
Animation + applications
This week is an animation week in school. I have done a lot of
work with applications, buuut I have tried to take some photos
of a drawing I developed and took photos of in every step.
Wich will be a movie later.. or, it could at least.
It's a very slow process when I have to make so small
changes every time, and then always take a photo.
I think that's hard, but maybe I'll find a way to make it
more suitible for me.