Scetchings from a long travelling day

The recent time

Croquis drawing made a week ago

Was thinking of making a picture book with finish words I've learned
recently.. This would be "Kioski". I don't know if I will do it though,
'cause I kind of lost inspiration for it. But I guess it would have been fun.

We are dealing with expressive painting right now and I tried to do
a painting like that.. without thinking too much,. it's really hard, but
it was fun to try!

We did a pile of a lot of mixed things we broght.. and then I painted this
with inspiration from it. After a while I got the task that I should pick
a detail from it and paint it very concrete over everything else, so I did
that (that is the black things).It's a quite big painting, have never painted
so big before, think it's 120x140 cm.

Painting I did together with Juha. I think this became really nice in a
way. Quite hard to mix two different styles in this way but also funny.

The pile we were building.. a lot of stuff in a mess, but also some nice

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