
I was ordering photos, but they were so bad (but cheap). So I'm
kind of wundering what to do with them. This was just a try, but it
looks kind of interesting.
The photo is a self portrait in disguise. My thought with that one was
to make myself as I usually draw myself. I used a eyeliner and
marked the lines I usually think of, and now I used it together with
a real drawing.

The cat is out!

I decided to sew a cat, my third one! It's going to be white.. it's
actually fabric for painting on, but I will probably not use it for that
so it will be a cat instead.
These cats is kind of a tradition for me, I give them to my brothers'
kids. So this one will be Theos'!

Last times I used cotton to fill it up, this time I will take old
clothes. Cut it in small pieces. Nice to use it for something.

The cats' chest will be fabric from a dress I bought in Finland, and
used in a performance. Will use it for something else also in the
future 'cause I have quite much left. (A story about
it is when Linda asked me if I have a favorite dress and I said no.
Then she mentioned this purple dress, but I said I hated it. She did
a photo series about girls' favorite dresses, would be fun to do a
photo series about girls' least favorite dresses.)

A collar to the cat!

I tried to make the face a bit like I a drawed one. I used grey thread.

Ready! With pink thread nose and white thread eyes.

The naked backside!

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