I have been to hell and back, and let me tell you, it was wunderful

This is not how it's supposed to be in the end, but I like the sentence!

Photos from a sunday afternoon

Chinese ink and the first painting in a long time

More ink.. the view from my studio
the garage of the neighbour
mixed motives, some view, a guy from a cd record cover, a crystal
Cristal patterns is fun to experiment with
We began with 2 weeks of painting in school. This one became my first
painting, and it's done with oil colours.

Finally, part 5


Last day, with mirror

From underneath

Beast? made of white paper

Detail on the lower part.. metal cone with glue and white paint

And this is the result!

...continues.. Part 4. And a white incident

it looked like this for a while..
and like this for another while..
and looks like this now
"Maria taffsar" is just white paint on my hands against white paper.
I am a bit obsessed by white now so I thought the idea was fun.

"spånar"... drawing without drawing, part 3

drawing without drawing, part two

the body for a coming sculpture
The body + papier maché, is drying

paper boxes that I probably will glue on to the bigger form
2 silhouettes that I cutted in metal, maybe I won't use them in this
project.. i figured out.. or maybe I will. I'll see..

Here it hangs.. now I will try to work with light and shadow,
maybe have a lamp against it and use the shadows in some way

Drawing without drawing..

We have a 2-week-project in school with the theme "Drawing without drawing".
We can interpret it as we want, but we're supposed to make some kind of 3d-object that can be seen as a drawing. Maybe with lines.. or what you think that a drawing is..
Went out to find some inspiration.. found a house that I liked.

a hanger of some kind that I bought on a secondhand store,
maybe to use..

also bought thin porcelain, crushed, moahaa.. will se if I use it

material I might use.. paper boxes and chicken wire,
in my new studio

Sketches of how I might do..

The Studio

The hanger is waiting for something to hang up

Another thing I felt like doing.. a drawing made of yarn

Went up to the attic for the first time.. it was some creatures in
a corner. Kind of pretty.

a form that appeared

Home-made drawings lately..

Lampor från vardagsrummet
Lamps from the living room
Two versions of me

Decided to make fast drawings with ink, took a piece of yarn and
dipped it and than made some pictures with it.
It was a good exercise to work more spontanously.

One like that..
A more innocent one..





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